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Election 2022 Ballot Challenge Overview - PRINT

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01. Election 2022 – Ballot Challenge Overview (2022-11-08)

Ballot Challenge Strategy for the November 8 Election
The Plan for Nov. 8 election in Georgia with citations to authorities.

· Attend to your voting preferences. When you have printed out YOUR ballot and WHILE you
are still standing in the voting booth, look to see if your ballot has the QR code printed on it,
if so…
· 1. You can take your Ballot and leave, or (and for most people the following is suggested)
· 2. While you are still in the Voting Booth, take out your cell phone and take a picture of
YOUR ballot ONLY – without the Dominion Ballot Marking Device in the picture if possible,
-CAUTION: If you arrested or threatened with arrest for doing this. O.C.G.A. 21-2-598,
O.C.G.A. § 21-2-413 (e) [poll manager discretion], O.C.G.A. § 21-2-568.2. You can ask the
Polling Manager for permission, but do not count on it.
IF THREATENED. Your defense is: There is a standing Federal Injunction against enforcement
from the case: Coalition For Good Governance v. Kemp, 558 F. Supp. 3d 1370, 1393 (2021), “the Court
GRANTS the Motion with respect to Photography Rule II … . State Defendants are hereby enjoined
from enforcing Photography Rule II until further order of the Court.”). The Court has not yet issued a
rescission of said order.
If arrested, it will be an illegal act and violates 18 U.S.C. 241, 242 and 245 (Federal) , and
O.C.G.A. 16-8-2, 16-10-1 and 16-10-93 (Georgia).
· Leave the polling location with YOUR phone and the photo evidence of your ballot and
proceed to the court house in your Circuit.
-(Take the same action as to the possibility of arrest as above O.C.G.A. 21-2- 574),
· Go directly to the Superior Court Judge on duty in your county (O.C.G.A. 21-2-412) with the
photo of your ballot as evidence and file the Petition (attached) challenging the “legality of the
ballot,” the void nature of the original Ga – Dominion Contract (attached), and the voiding of
the “2D barcode” provision.
-(Contract, Exhibit B, par. 3.1 which would require judge to order an injunction and hand-
Also, it should be pointed out to the Judge to find paragraph 3.1 provision “void ab initio”.
-A voiding of that contract provision, and the further enforcement of said provision, from the
date of perfection.
-This will void all prior elections back to 2019; as all of the ballots cast in-person will be
deemed illegitimate. (Meaning we have not conducted a legal election since 2019, nor are
there any sitting legally elected officials).
Federal Judge Totenberg has already found the law and the facts as to paragraph 3.1 of the
-Exhibit B in the case of Curling v. Raffensperger, 493 F.Supp.3d 1264, 1309 (2020) which is
highlighted in yellow on the 34th page of the included document stating that the resulting ballot
was not in conformance with O.C.G.A. 21-2-2(7.1) or 21-2-300.

NOTE: IF Arrested, you MUST be taken immediately before the Circuit Superior Court Judge (21-2-
412)! This is where you present all of the above information as to the illegality of the ballot, the election
and your arrest.
Case law authority, Gerstein v. Pugh, 420 U. S. 103 (1975) [Court held that the Fourth Amendment
requires a prompt judicial determination of probable cause as a prerequisite to an extended pretrial
detention following a warrantless arrest.]. Failure of officer to take you to judge FIRST violates his
Oath of Office, 16-10-1 (This is a 5-year felony).
Strength in Number. Go to the polls with as many like minded individuals as possible. This will help to
deter the Polling Manger from taking any action.
If ANYBODY obstructs your rights, petition the judge for a warrant for their arrest!!
If you decide to do this, you will need all of the attached documents saved to your mobile device to
introduce as evidence.
Our goal is to have hundreds of Citizens step forward and help force this issue for Ballot Integrity this
election day. Thank you. Paul & Gregory.
NOTE: The printed material you should have to present to the Judge and in court will be the Complaint
(4 pages) and the 4 pages from the Dominion Contract (1,47, 49, and 55) included as Exhibits to the
And remember, if they dare to place you under arrest and take you go to jail, you’ll be in good company
with others that have stood up to tyranny, John the Baptist, Jesus, the Maid of Orleans, Gandhi, and Dr.
King, and potentially dozens of other Patriotic Justice Seekers this day, just to name a few




Election 2022 Ballot Strategy Potential Problems - PRINT

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02. Challenge Strategy – Potential Problems (2022-11-08)

Ballot Challenge Strategy for the November 8 Election
The Plan for Nov. 8 election in Georgia with citations to authorities.

Potential Problems

Photo of YOUR Ballot

  • 21-2-413 (e) No using electronic monitoring or recording devices, but poll manager may permit.
  • 21-2-568.2 no use of cellular Telephones, except as authorized by law (no BMD or VOTED ballot.


Pic of your ballot: see Federal Injunction in Coalition For Good Gov. v. Kemp allowing such.

Taking YOUR Ballot out of the Polling Location

  • 21-2-574 – Any person, other than an officer charged by law with the care of ballots or a person entrusted by any such officer with the care of the same for a purpose required by law, who has in his or her possession outside the polling place any official ballot shall be
    guilty of a felony. (See: 2016 Op. Att’y Gen. No. 16-2 – “mere possession” )
  • 21-2-560 thru 604. Frauds and crimes by poll officers (587 frauds by pol officers)

Law for Poll Workers

  • 21-2-598. Violations of chapter.
    Except as otherwise provided by law, any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • 21-2-603. Conspiracy to commit election fraud.

A person commits the offense of conspiracy to commit election fraud when he or she conspires for agrees with another to commit a violation of this chapter. …

  • 21-2-604. Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud; penalties.
Election 2022 Ballot Challenge Complaint - PRINT

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03. Challenge Strategy – Voters Complaint 01 (2022-11-08)


COMES NOW the undersigned Complainant and seeks the relief of this Honorable Court.


This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to O.C.G.A. 21-2-412 for the purpose of securing

… a free, fair, and correct computation and canvass of votes cast at such primary or election. During such period the court shall issue process, if necessary, to enforce and secure compliance with the primary or election laws and shall decide such other matters pertaining to the primary or election as may be necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter.

Election 2022 Case Law Pugh and Brady - SAVE

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1975-02-18 – Pugh and Brady

420 U.S. 103, 114, 125 (1975)
No. 73-477.
Supreme Court of United States.
Argued March 25, 1974.
Reargued October 21, 1974.
Decided February 18, 1975.

Dominion Contract - SAVE

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2019-07-29 – Dominion Voting Contract – SIGNED

Coalition for Good Governance V Kemp - SAVE

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2021-08-20 – CFGG v Kemp – Order

Curling V Raffensperger - SAVE

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2020-10-11 – Curling v Raffensperger Totenberg