Here are the documents that every citizen should know

The Constitution for the United States

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at
the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed
a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse
of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive
clauses should be added: And as extending the ground
of public confidence in the Government, will best
ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

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The Constitution of the State of Georgia

To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, preserve peace,
promote the interest and happiness of the citizen and of the family, and transmit to posterity
the enjoyment of liberty, we the people of Georgia, relying upon the protection and
guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution.


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The Official Code of Georgia

The enactment of this Code is intended as a recodification, revision, modernization, and reenactment of the general laws of the State of Georgia which are currently of force and is intended, where possible, to resolve conflicts which exist in the law and to repeal those laws which are obsolete as a result of the passage of time or other causes, which have been declared unconstitutional or invalid, or which have been superseded by the enactment of later laws. Except as otherwise specifically provided by particular provisions of this Code, the enactment of this Code by the General Assembly is not intended to alter the substantive law in existence on the effective date of this Code.


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Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Official Code of Georgia Title 21 Elections
Duties of the Secretary of State

Election Codes, Rules, and Regulations

The Constitution for the United States

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at
the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed
a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse
of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive
clauses should be added: And as extending the ground
of public confidence in the Government, will best
ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

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The Constitution of the State of Georgia

To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, preserve peace,
promote the interest and happiness of the citizen and of the family, and transmit to posterity
the enjoyment of liberty, we the people of Georgia, relying upon the protection and
guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution.


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The Official Code of Georgia

The enactment of this Code is intended as a recodification, revision, modernization, and reenactment of the general laws of the State of Georgia which are currently of force and is intended, where possible, to resolve conflicts which exist in the law and to repeal those laws which are obsolete as a result of the passage of time or other causes, which have been declared unconstitutional or invalid, or which have been superseded by the enactment of later laws. Except as otherwise specifically provided by particular provisions of this Code, the enactment of this Code by the General Assembly is not intended to alter the substantive law in existence on the effective date of this Code.


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Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia
Official Code of Georgia Title 21 Elections
Duties of the Secretary of State